©Welcome To Our
© A Novel By Little Rascal Yorkies & Magnum Opus Maltese. Stories About Our Little Miracles.
© Founder of The Living Doll Yorkies and Maltese.
Welcome to A Heart Felt Life Journey with Our Little Miracles.
Our Living Doll Yorkies & Disney Inspired Korean Maltese.
Our "Living Dolls" are known
for their one a kind look & their precious Butterfly Kisses & Extreme Signature Faces.
That has made us the #1 CHOICE NATIONWIDE &
#1 with Repeat Quality Clientele.
Tour Our Pages & See for Yourself.
Enjoy the heartfelt video's sent in by Our Past Clients. Please read our enduring testimonials. Where it is a Meaningful Experience from our hearts and the hearts of Our Clients. See Our Breeding Ethic's Page which is paramount to your important journey in selecting your new puppy.
Ethics, Love, Professionalism & Perfection is of utmost importance to carrying on these little legend's & artistically creating generations of the most sought after Yorkies & Maltese in the USA.

See What We Have Available
We have precious Little Korean Male Maltese Available- See why little Boys make the BETTER PETS with our Boys verses Girls Page.
Photo Shoots HAVE ARRIVED!
A Glimpse at Why so Many Choose Us!
Welcome to Little Rascal Yorkies & Magnum Opus Maltese Glimpse at Our Clients, where pure love and joy come life! Witness the unforgettable moments when clients meet their dream puppies for the first time.
With 100% of our clientele returning to us, it's clear that our commitment to exceptional experiences, making them a lifetime loyal client. Become a part of Our Client Family and discover why so many choose Little Rascal Yorkies!
#1 In Repeat Baby Doll Yorkies & Korean Maltese Clientele.
Double Click all Videos for Sound & Full Screen

Introducing ©"Our Living Doll Collection"

Please see our New Page!
Click Play Below
To Meet Our To See Our "Living Dolls"
@ Simply "The Best"

Itty Bitty Living Dolls
" Living Doll Collection"
See Our New "Living Doll" Page.
A Living Doll is total perfection, and the Crème de la Crème of Baby Doll Yorkies & Maltese.
A Living Doll has the flattest of faces, huge bubble expressive eyes, with the whites always presenting the inside corners lending to an expression that will totally melt your heart & insure the puppy will have large eyes and be a true extreme , along with a compact little body, and the wittiest, amusingly clever temperaments, giving abundant butterfly kisses
These characteristic's set them apart from any Baby Doll Yorkies on the internet as generations of signature lines have been held back, resulting in the best of the best!.
See our Desert Darling Page, to understand more about the origination or our precious lines.
has become problematic over the internet and completely lost it's AUTHENTICY!
We started the craze of the word "extreme" many years ago to ONLY DESCRIBE SELECT PUPPIES.
We have a trained eye & are critical of what puppies would classify as extreme Baby Dolls.
Therefore we are proudly presenting Our Living Doll Collection.
So you as clients know, that your are receiving a true extreme Baby Doll Yorkie or Korean Maltese &
A ONE OF A KIND new Little Life Companion!

A TRUE EXTREME, Living Doll Yorkie,
The perfect face of and Extreme Baby Doll Yorkie!
The nose should be extremely short and sitting straight in, almost between the eyes, not a down nose that tilts below the eye set, the eyes should be huge bubble eyes, on the side of the head, to equal far spaced eyes, and the forehead should go straight up and be an apple head.
When turned to the side should look like the Perfect L, with the nose being much shorter and sitting straight in not down position, with a forehead that extends up like and L!

A TRUE EXTREME, Living Doll Yorkie, dripping in a true extreme Hello Kitty Face. Almost void of a nose bridge, eyes that are extremely wide set, with the whites present in the corners, a tee tiny cobby little body, with the amusingly clever and playful spirit that have made our lines so unique!

Meet My Vet, Voted #1In My Area!

My Lifeline, My Hero!
I cannot even put into words the relationship I have with what I consider to be the best Veterinarian on the Planet!
The time he spends with me & every dog and puppy in my home is immeasurable, he makes all feel as if they are his only client. His knowledge on the tiny breeds is immense, his compassion & devotion
is something so many search for a lifetime and never find.
His clinic is adorned with beautiful Oil Paintings, and my
C-section precious puppies are the first you see as you walk in the door, photo above.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to my amazing Vet & Staff!
Meet My Flight Nannie, Patty!
Whom after meeting my Puppies & Myself ...
is now is the Proud Mom of Litter Mates,
See what she has to say about Our Puppies
in her Testimonial!

Hello Tanoe,
I would first like to thank and BLESS her heart for being an AMAZING breeder! Tanoe is an ANGEL who definitely cares about her puppy placement. Her fur babies come first and you can just hear it in her voice how much she loves what she’s doing and how much her fur babies mean to her.
She has the most special puppies I have ever seen! I was only getting one Korean Yorkie (Kuki-Cookie aka Chopper) and I ended up with two Korean Yorkies (Ooyoo-Milk aka Doodle Bug).
She nailed their personalities to the T! From their HELLO KITTY faces, thick but so soft coats, how intelligent they are and the cutest playful yet so sweet personalities! They stole my from first sight!
As a buyer, Tanoe is a RESPONSIBLE breeder and informative in all aspects from caring for the new puppies, easy to communicate with, traveling with new puppies, recommending tools needed for the arrival and most of all that she is there if you need her for anything! She is prompt at getting back with you, honest, upfront and caring!
I will be a furever returning client!
Thank you Tanoe for placing two BEAUTIFUL Korean Yorkies in my life! I am furever BLESSED, HAPPY and SO FULFILLED with them in my life! I can’t thank you enough!
Patty, Mass/Washinton, September, 2023
See Why We are #1 in Repeat Clientele!
Note - If you see this claim on other websites, the statement is a COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.
What's better than hearing my clients words, & capturing their faces on video of pure joy, when receiving their puppies!
Where Video's are worth a thousand words....
The Look of Our Puppies & Love We Show Our Clients Cannot Be Matched!
We try our best to match each of you with your Dream Puppy & make "Magic Happen", sharing much love & joy with the best people on the planet, Our Beloved Clients! We have made amazing lifelong bonds with the placement of our Puppies.

R Corner to play

Meet Lynn Meeting Baby Lana
Click Play Button
Where do I start??!! The drive in from New Jersey was 100 % worth every second. First of all thank you for giving us the cutest most perfect puppy ever, our perfect baby Lana (Jasmine). You were THE BEST throughout the entire process. Your phone calls and time you spent with important information cannot be matched. Take it from me Tanoe, there are phonies out there! I did my research. Breeders that are copy cats of you and wanna be’s. It’s saddens me to be honest. There is only one Little Rascal Yorkies! And I couldn’t be happier that I found you Tanoe, and my “extreme baby doll yorkie.”My video says it all, and when I see myself I think how perfectly it captured my excitement!! I never dreamed in a million years that I would have a baby this precious!!! My husband and I are walking on air! Lana is all that and more. She’s loving, playful, and practically potty trained already! This is our first yorkie baby. We have had Westies as you know. And were heartbroken with the recent loss of our precious Louie. You were there for me with that as well. What can I say Tanoe, you are amazing! I feel as if you and I have known each other forever, but it’s only been a few weeks. If anyone is looking for a wonderful breeder that puts her heart and soul into her babies, look no further!!
I’ll be sending pictures of my baby Lana!
Lynn, NJ
Butterfly Kisses
Sent in of Baby Lana & her Daddy within hours of her arriving into her new home!

Meet Ginger
Who Over the Years has
Four Little R ascal Living Dolls!
You have became a Dear Friend , and
I love you to the Moon & Back!
Meet Rainey Baby, Misa, Honey Bee, & Moxi the Korean Maltese!

Little Rascal Yorkies, Heartfelt Review, from Erin

Little Rascal Yorkies, Heartfelt Review, from Erin

Featuring Ginger-With 4 LIttle Rascal Living Dolls, over many, many years!
Ginger with Rainey and Misa and now Honey Bee & Moxi! She has purchased 3 Little Rascal Yorkies over the Years & one Korean Maltese! Ginger has became a dear friend like so many of my puppy clients.! Her original Review!
WOW!!! She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. I have looked for 6 to 8 months for a tiny little doll. I never dreamed I could find one so beautiful. Tanoe, you have the most gorgeous babies I have ever seen. They have long hair that drapes to the floor and baby doll faces to die for.You were absolutely right,she is beautiful. You have really taking the time in perfecting your babies and boy are they perfect. Thank you sooo much spending time on the phone and finding the perfect little girl. you rate AAA+++ with me. I will recommend you to any one who wants a perfect little darling for their family. You have top notch puppies that are to cute. You also have a great of knowledge on the subject of yorkies and are very willing to share that with anyone, can't thank you enough Tanue. I will keep in touch with updates of Rainey Baby. Love ya girl, Ginger Smith
Ginger, WV

Meet Erin & Dolly!
The Korean Maltese Have captured hearts! So much Love & Joy!
Erin & Her Dream Puppy Dolly!

Featuring Erin- Completely over the moon, when she lays eyes on Dolly!
My yorkie left me in June of 2021 after 19 years, I didn’t think I would ever be able to have another puppy again. I searched many sites over the years but when I found Tanoe’s website and spoke to her for the first time I knew she was the breeder for us. Tanoe loves all her dogs and you can hear the passion in her voice. She was very thorough during the process and answers all your questions and she listens to what you are looking for in a puppy. Our little girl, Dolly, is so loving, sweet, curious and healthy. I wanted a puppy who loves to play and because we travel so much a puppy that was not afraid of anything. Boy did Tanoe deliver exactly what we had hoped for and so much more! She has been known to stop traffic on our early morning walks and gets so much attention wherever she goes, she is just so adorable and melts everyone’s heart. We are so very fortunate and Dolly could not be more perfect. Cross your fingers and hope that Tanoe will bring you your perfect new family member, it really is an honor to be able to bring home one of her puppies.
Erinn, Mass
View Baby Dolly's Slide Show Below- Photo's sent in by Erin.
Dolly's videos' will be featured in Our Past Client Video Section.

Korean Maltese, Extreme Baby Doll Face, By Little Rascal Yorkies

Korean Maltese, By Little Rascal Yorkies

Little Rascal Yorkies, Heartfelt Review, from Erin

Korean Maltese, Extreme Baby Doll Face, By Little Rascal Yorkies

Meet Kristine, my Babies biggest fan !
Has shed tears of joy with all Three of her Babies!
Two Yorkies, Sophie, Brewski
& Now her Korean Maltese, Bianca.

Featuring Kristine, my friend - She was SPEECHLESS, when laying eyes on Baby Bianca!
Three flights here and a Mom to 2 of our Baby Doll Yorkies and now a Korea, Baby Faced Maltese!
Update from precious Yorkie review:
I am the proud owner of two beautiful Little Rascal yorkies Sophie and Brewski. (See the yorkie
website) Until recently I thought I would never want another breed other than a yorkie, since I
love and adore them and have had only yorkies over the past 30 years.
The morale of the story is Never say Never! At the end of August, I officially broke out of my
yorkie comfort zone. I am PROUD to report, I am now officially a mama to a Little Rascal Korean
When I first held her in my arms, I had no words she was a dream she didn’t even look real. I
named her “Bianca” it means pure white in Italian. Her name is fitting she is simply “angelic”
with her beautiful ice white coat. My heart melts when looking at her tiny black button nose
and her piercing dark eyes. She is a priss pot, very confidant and independent as she prances
around the house like she is in charge! (She gets that from her daddy Opie)
In August I made my third flight to VA from AZ to bring my yorkies a baby sister. Bianca and I
bonded on the flight, I stuck my hand in her carrier and squeezed her paw to let her know she
was safe. She squeezed her little paw against the palm of my hand several times. She was
letting me know I made the RIGHT choice in choosing her!
I now fully understand why Tanoe chose to breed Yorkies AND Korean Maltese. How could you
choose one over the other? Her breeding program produces the “extreme” ONE OF A KIND
beautiful face, and affectionate personalities. Thank you Tanoe for blessing me with 3 of your
special babies! My love for these puppies won’t stop here….To Be Continued….
Sincerely, Kristine, Sophie, Brewski and Bianca
Kristine, AZ

Past Client of 3 Excellent & Enduring Review!

Kristine has Flown in for 3 Of Our Adorable Babies!

Little Rascal Yorkies, Daddies Love their Maltese & Yorkies!

Past Client of 3 Excellent & Enduring Review!

Jack & Lauren
Wow Fifteen Years to fly back for another Puppy of their DREAMS!
Lauren had lost my number and was "Thrilled "-
she said to hear my voice answer the phone!

So Good to see Jack Again! Us, 15 years ago and now!

Review from a Delighted Lauren, Jack, Zsa Zsa, and Gemma!
I first met Tanoe over 15 years ago, when we adopted our little Yorkie, Zsa Zsa. It was early on in her breeding career, but already, she showed her extraordinarily high ethical standard, when it came to protecting her precious pups. Because Zsa Zsa was so tiny, she stayed with Tanoe until she was quite sure she was ready to go to her forever home; that was over 7 months. I was also carefully vetted, that my home was a safe place for this precious baby. That’s what an ethical breeder does.
But it’s so much more than that. Zsa Zsa was perfect, truly show-ring standard, if not for her small size
I still have her with us, very frail now in her advanced age. But, over the past 14 years, she has had negligible health issues, a true indication of high breeding standards.
Fast forward to 2022, when of course I would wish for another beauty from Tanoe. This time, we were blown away by her magnificent line of Korean Maltese. Once again, we watched & waited, while Tanoe ensured our new bundle of joy was sufficiently grown at 5 months to join our home.
FIVE months! I cannot begin to imagine the hours of daily care this takes, from the sleepless nights at birth, to the daily ministrations of helpless little puppies. I imagine too, Tanoe’s heartbreak as she watches each precious bundle departing her home, to go to another. Our little Gemma is absolutely magnificent, just perfect from her tiny button nose, to the tip of her perfect tail (that she loves to chase). I am so grateful for 2 precious girls and A breeder like Tanoe! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lauren , CA

Meet Skye & Traume
Martin's Wish for his Wife
A LittleRascal Yorkie!
And Skye is Back On The List!
Featuring Skye- Where Wishes Come True!
“I can’t imagine buying a dog from anyone else.”
I was very interested in finding a “responsible” breeder and with very specific features. Although I know a lot more about what that truly means now after knowing and working with Tanoe. I wanted a breeder who had a few good quality litters per year and one who screen for problems common to the breed. I got very lucky to have stumbled upon her. It doesn’t necessarily matter that they all fall short, because I can’t imagine buying a dog from anyone else.
I could write a novel about our dog Träume (meaning dreams). She’s gorgeous, well-tempered, cherished family companions, and a million other things. We have had many compliments about how wonderful Träume is. From her gorgeous face, coloring, her gentle manner, her soft thick coat to her attractive looks and most of all her loving with lots of playfulness.
I can’t say enough about her perfection.
I have enough respect for Tanoe and her dogs that I actually do NOT recommend her to every random person who asks me about a puppy. Tanoe’s dogs deserve extremely committed families who will be responsible in every way (and Tanoe would accept nothing less). Unfortunately, that doesn’t describe just any owner. I recommend Tanoe exclusively.
I would like to thank Tanoe for making it possible for us to absolutely cherished our new family member and making our puppy dreams come true. We’ll be loyal and lifelong customers. We are extremely grateful for everything.
Skye, Martin and Träume Bauer

What An Extreme Baby Doll Yorkie!

What An Extreme Baby Doll Yorkie!

MeetRhonda & Zoey
Rhonda Meets Her Dream Puppy!

Featuring Rhonda- And Zoey,
Rhonda's Dream Puppy!
Hi Tanoe,
We are thrilled to have Zoey as our little girl. She's sweet, beautiful, well behaved, and extremely smart. The three of us were comfortable together from the first day. Thank you for taking time to get to know us. You did an excellent job meeting our wishes by pairing Zoey with us. She is everything we were looking for and more. She is an absolute doll. Thank you so much for the time, patience, guidance and coaching. We enjoyed the process and we just love you!
Rhonda and Steve, NC, August, 2021

Meet Zoey, Her Owners are IN LOVE!

Meet Zoey, Her Owners are IN LOVE!

Dad's With Dogs
There is something about a man with an Itty Bitty Dog!
There may be no better way to communicate the love & joy our precious Living Dolls bring to our beloved clients, than through images & videos of them in their new homes.
Behind so many of Our Living Doll Mom's, there are some of the best men on the planet! So its time to showcase Our Living Doll Dad's!

Our Clients Video's
Featuring recent Spring Video's from Our Amazing Clients!
There is nothing more powerful than video with the voices of some of the most amazing people you will ever meet!
To feel the heartfelt life my past clients and I collectively share.
It is so meaningful to be able to take the journey together.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for making my heart smile every time I look down and you have sent a video or a photo!
We will rotate video's every few months, with some of the old and some of the new!

Visit Our Living Doll Collection

See what we have Available

Please Review Our Breeding Ethics

See Our Signature