Always being the best human you can be...
I have always tried to be the most ethical human I can possibly be in any aspect of life.
To bring a new family member in with your choice of a new puppy is something I take very seriously & one of the meaningful journeys most all of us take in life.
Your puppy choice should always start with an ethical breeder who raised your puppy. A breeder that gave your new little life companion the best life possible, before being placed in your arms.
I believe strongly in a right match in puppy and new home. I listen very carefully to what each prospective home is seeking in their new puppy & do my very best to match every client with the puppy of their dreams.
~ I have some insight to share with you below... on our breeding ethics & what to watch for across the internet in your choice of a breeder.
A behind the scenes look...
©Core Values of Ethical Breeding
Being a breeder of small breed exotic dogs, starts with much love & the decision of making personal, emotional and financial sacrifices of one's own personal life, to ethically & professionally be there for the dogs in your breeding program. I always put their well being first , with enormous devotion, outstanding vet care prior to the first puppy ever being born into this big world.
As an ethical breeder, your first step is having the financial means to provide outstanding vet care for each dog you choose to bring into your home. This starts with finding a Veterinarian that is extremely experienced with tiny breeds, as their needs differ hugely from larger dogs.
Then seeing that each dog receives regular exams, yearly dentals, professional x-rays, professional sonograms on expectant females, and blood work when necessary, c-sections when ever putting the Mom or the puppies lives at risk, regular puppy exams, health certificates and Veterinarian care on any dog or puppy in your home that may need it in a minutes notice.
This commitment to be ethical & love your dogs like your children requires tremendous family, & emotional sacrifices. And preparation for several
thousand per year, before the first puppy is ever born.
Secondly, to choose the best possible dogs for your breeding program that will be a part of the breeders family.
With this being said, a breeder should purchase the best foundation they can possible afford. As my mentor from Desert Darling Yorkies taught me many years ago, pay 10,000 for an excellent, Baby Doll, healthy, little stud that every characteristic has to be perfect, void of any flaws what so ever, as your males go back to every female in your home. Perfect tiny studs do not come cheap, nor are they abundant. It can take years to acquire or hold back perfect tiny Baby Doll little males. Without a perfect male, there is a flawed breeding program. They are the heart of any Breeding Program.
So be mindful of the male/(Dad) when selecting any puppy to join your family. They need to be outstanding, small males, that will remain with the breeder until they cross the rainbow bridge, as there is never a reason to be re-homing a perfect male. They can breed until 10 years of age, even by the AKC standards. I have been breeding 18 years & only had very few males and they were/are ALL excellent little males, and any that have crossed the rainbow bridge has did so right here in my home as my PETS FIRST ALWAYS. This is how we were able to create Our Signature Lines, by only breeding perfection with our outstanding male choices and holding back the Best of the Best.
Anyone that knows me, knows how much I love my boys and how they are always with me about anywhere I go.
A breeder also needs the love & support of their immediate & extended family and friend's. With a complete understanding that some Holiday's, vacations will have to be sacrificed, if you have a expectant Mom, newborn puppies, and lots of things in between.
In 18 years I have had Christmas's spent at the Emergency Vet with Mom's having puppies, puppies born on Thanksgiving morning, the 4th of July, and New Years Eve, along with other Holidays or events. Needless to say my presence was void at family holiday events, and my immediate family attending without me.
Make sure you are making your emotional and financial puppy investment from a breeder who does NOT MAKE THIER LIVING OFF THE SALE OF PUPPIES!
In my opinion a long time Hobby Breeder is always best, that their income is derived from other means, rather than puppy sales. Where dogs are TRULY A PART OF THE FAMILY NOT THE SOURCE OF INCOME.
Assuring they are able to sleep in the bed, live like Pets in the home, get proper Vet care when needed as their care is not never dependent on puppy sales.
Each little cord a breeder cuts, breathing life into each puppy, should be done with meaning, love & all the ethical reasons to bring these little precious lives into the world.
Mom's and puppies need a lot of around the clock care, and should be individualized with constant care, to include, pleasant sounds, gentle touch, and love attached to the sound of the breeders voice, ALWAYS with a NAME given shortly after birth, that the puppy can start identifying with to start forming it's identity a part from the litter mates.
Even if you choose to change the puppies name, it needs a unique and special identity from birth, this is PARAMOUNT TO ASSURE PROPER SOLICALIZATION.
***Make certain your breeder of choice is never offering more than a litter or two listed as bred or available at any given time. To assure the Mom's and puppies are given the individual care and attention they deserve.
***Watch for websites listing multiple girls breed at any given time, not even individualizing the puppies with names and listing them as LITTERS, one right after another. My heart breaks for these Mom's and these puppies, when clearly just numbers for income. No way could multiple Mom's and puppies, plus the other dogs in the home be receiving proper around the clock care.
Make sure they do no own a kennel or have the amount of dogs to warrant kennels, and if they do, how many employee's do they have? It is impossible for one person to properly, care, vet, whelp, groom, maintain websites, of a large number of dogs with constant puppies being listed as available. In this scenario someone always looses and it is normally the proper care of dogs in the home, kennel/puppy mill, where applicable, and you the client for a false representation being presented on many websites,
that simply does not exist.
***Last but not least. An ethical breeder/human should present their own values, ethics and program on their website. Not use copyrighted material from other breeders websites, presenting as their own. Unfortunately, Plagiarism is occurring with use of our WORK, WORDS, AND IDEAS without attribution.
*** Plagiarism can also be considered a felony under certain state and federal laws. For example, if a plagiarist copies and earns more than $2.500 from copyrighted material, he or she make may face up to $250.00.00 in fines and up to 10 years in jail.
There are 2 breeders who have copied material directly from our site and presented as their own.
One is within the last year copying word for word by Boy verses Girl description & My taking puppy home pages from myself and advice from my Vet.
The other have tolerated for years, on every phrase, everything I do with my site updates. My clients point it out to me constantly but anyone can see with their own eyes, when googling (Extreme Baby Doll Yorkie).
The minute I change or add something, within Days its on her page here on the east coast.
My Phrases, My Logo Style, My Presentation, My Colors, My Life, everything has been copied. It feels like "Identity Theft and Stalking" . It has become extremely hurtful and problematic, when I cannot change anything on my site without a less than perfect version being posted on this site immediately.
There will soon be a list of the Copyright Infringements/Plagiarism at the bottom of this page.
And I ask, to please do not promote breeders who are stealing the lives of others and presenting as their own. This is illegal and it is finally time to
to take action.
We know how important your choice in your puppy and new little life companion is, therefore we do not take it lightly. We try to listen to all the qualities you are seeking when making your puppy choice.
Being a responsible and good listener must be applied to matching you with the Puppy Of Your Dreams, not just offering any puppy, when it does not match exactly what you are looking for. We DO NOT PRICE OR EVALUATE YOUNG PUPPIES! All puppies are adorable at 7-8 weeks of age, and they do turn a curve closer to 10-12 weeks of age, where they can sometimes change drastically. We have a trained eye and want to be fair to each and every client so they are not rushed into a commitment, until the puppy is old enough to truly evaluate the level of extremeness and they have started to take on their specific look, & personality. Our puppies never leave before 14 weeks of age regardless of size, as our Vet states how the level of immunity improves greatly each week & the immune system needs to be strong for the puppy to thrive in the new environment. We try to be a descriptive as possible with our client/ puppy choices, spending hours with each client, providing several video's, proper care for the puppy, and several days after you pick up your puppy to assure you and the puppy have adjusted to your new normal.
We individualize all our puppy placements, to assure you are getting the Puppy of your dreams, that will bring you many years of love, joy & happiness.
We meet with each client taking meaningful video of what should be among of the most special days of your lives, the day you meet your new little puppy for the very first time. We do everything in our power to make it magical for you & a memory you will never forget.
You can rest assured your puppy was given the best care possible, from myself, my family, and my beloved Vet.
~ Just a small glimpse into Ethical Breeding....

It takes a village to raise