© Meet our Signature Baby Doll Yorkies.
Originating from the sought after Misty Blue and Desert Darling Lines. Known for their one of a kind look with very extreme signature features, with THEM THERE EYES!
Your Going to Fall In Love, just like I did. None can match the Signature look and precious temperament of these lines, that I have carried on Holding back the Best of the Best. They are truly like 5 year old children, extremely smart, and love their owners so affectionately, you are their whole world.
Little Rascal Yorkies History over the years, NOW & THEN... I cannot even imagine my life without them.
The Loves of My Life, each Carefully Selected & Loved To The Moon & Back.....
See Our Living Doll Page for defining The Best in A Baby Doll Yorkie
Living Doll Yorkies
© Our Signature
The Loves of My Life

Our Motown Legend

About Our Motown Legend
WOW. I I cried when I first laid eyes on him when picking him up at the Airport. He was all I ever wanted in a Little Male and More! A Desert Darlings FINEST!
Simply sooooooo extreme, with HUGE expressive eyes the Desert Darlings are known for, that are set very far apart, very cobby and compact and the total package. He loves him Mommy and I love him to pieces. Remember, Boys are the Heart of any Breeding Program & they must be OUSTANDING, & Our Motown fits the bill and then some!

Our Sugar Daddy

About Our Exotic Sugar Daddy
Listen to his Sugar Pop Song on his video :). Sugar Daddy is Very Exotic Looking! Like a little stuffed animal, with his short little nose, and wide set eyes, thick hair coat and cobby compact little body! He's so humble but yet animated. Definitely a Lover not a fighter, and also a total Mama's Boy!

Meet Our Tay Tay

About Our Tay Tay
Awwwww what a face! She is all that and then some! She is the 6th generation of our lines and just very extreme, and exotic, with her extremely smushy little face, and rich red coloring. Her little expression capture all the generations back, when she cuts those eyes at you. She is the daughter of Our Tilly who was the daughter of Apple of Our Eye ( our most famous females ). I can't say enough about our precious Tay Tay! We can not wait to see her future puppies!

Meet Our Bo-Peep

About Our Bo-Peep
She earned her Name from Her Mommy Our Peek-A-Boo, A little Sweetheart! Petite Angelic Extreme Baby Face features. The daughter of our famous Peek a Boo ( daughter of Desert Darling Camelot), that so many of our past clients waited on a second Puppy from Peek a Boo. Very sweet temperament , many lines of Artistic, Extreme, Baby Doll behind Our Bo Peep. We look so forward to her puppies!
Meet Our Cat Girl

About Cat Girl
She earned her Name from Her Hello Kitty Features of generations of Our Lines, holding back the BEST OF THE BEST! Cat Girl goes back through the Generations, as Lolly Pop is her Mom, that always produces VERY DARK PUPPIES, because she comes from the Play Boy Apple of Lines that were 1/2 brother and sister, that the Famous Desert Darling Show Off was the Sire! A very signature look and personality!
Check Back soon for an interactive history feature of Our Little Rascal Yorkies OVER THE YEARS.
Where we will feature a history of Our Precious Signature Yorkies.
The Most special faces in the world....
Coming Soon!