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Little Miracles
Our Placement & Waiting List Guidelines
Become A Part of © Our Little Rascal Client Family.
***Please Read
We normally work from a Waiting List on Our Puppies.
This method has worked out beautifully for many years. We normally take up to 4-5 people on the list at any given time for specific sex, & breed of Our Puppies. Occasionally there may be a puppy Available, and it will be listed in our showcase below. As our waitlist clients select their Dream Puppy, their name falls off the list and we can add new clients. Read below our protocol on how to get on Our Waiting List.
Our Waiting List Requires a $500 deposit placeholder for committed clients and will be deducted from the Price of Your Puppy when it is chosen.
Current List Clients Below in order for next available puppy choices.
We always have more requests for Little Girls & this saddens me greatly as I love my Boys and they are known to make better Pets.
Maltese Girl- Lisa, Renae, Pamela, Melissa ( Room for 1 more)
Yorkie Girl- Sky, Kristine, Donna, Nancy ( No more openings at this time)
Yorkie Boy- Cheryl
If you found yourself here and are ready to fill out our application, thank you for considering one of our precious puppies.
We are an ethical high-end breeder that wants our puppy placements to be meaningful to our clients. A right puppy will bring years of love and joy into each one of our clients lives. It is our goal to match you with the puppy of your dreams.
We always, treat our clients as we would like to be treated. We know how important your puppy choice is for you, and we will do our best to listen and apply what you are seeking in the long-term commitment of a puppy, to our puppies we may have available or a future puppy.
First and foremost, the puppies were ours before they were ever offered for placement.
We take each of our placements very seriously and believe strongly in the right match for each puppy and home.
We place as Companion Pets only, NO BREEDING HOMES NO EXCEPTIONS! We have a waiting list and normally will take up to 4 deposits on litters coming available of each sex. As litters are available, folks on the list choose in order the way the deposit came in. Some clients are waiting on a very specific look, size etc., so they may pass, even if they are first. It has worked out beautifully for years, putting each client in the driver's seat on look, budget etc, until they find their perfect match!
We are a very high-end Ethical Breeding Program.
Our Puppies Are Very Sought After from Clients Nationwide.
ALL PUPPIES ARE PAID IN FULL WHEN CHOICES ARE MADE FROM THE WAITLIST OR YOU COMMIT TO A PUPPY THAT IS AVAILABE, with Pictures and Many Videos provided. We work from Our Waiting list in order as puppies are listed and there is no way to know if a puppy is available to others on the list until the puppies are paid for as choices are made. Many of Our Waiting List Clients are repeat buyers and many fly in to pick up their puppies.
Quality Clients or Flight Nannies would never carry cash through large airports, and cash payments do not comply with local area guidelines for the Safety of all on any internet sales. Any site suggesting cash in person is more than likely a puppy mill or unethical breeding program selling to drive clients only. We are fair to all and do not make exceptions just because a client can drive to pick up their puppy.
Once Puppies are priced and I go down the list in order with clients, please make yourself available & get back with me to either be ready to select your puppy or pass until the next litter. If for any reason I do not hear back from you within a 24-hour window once you are notified about Puppy selections, I will move on to the next person on the list. I devote much time-sharing videos and speaking with each client when it is their turn to select a puppy and can't tie up the folks on the list waiting on one client to get back with me.
Once you have chosen your Puppy, you have 48 hours to get the Payment to Us.
If you fail to do so, we will move to the next person on the list.
We do not price young puppies or collect any payment, as some of the sites. Your choices and payments are not done, until we can fully evaluate the puppy and closer to the time the puppy exchange takes place.
If a puppy happens to be available, the same guidelines will apply to new clients. I take my safety and the safety of my puppies seriously and comply with all safety guidelines with internet transaction recommendations by local authorities.
Most all puppies are released at 14-16 weeks, when my Vet and I feel they are old enough to make the transition, with a developed immune system that is critical to thriving in the new home.
Everyone you see on our client review page filled out our application. We check our applications and will get back to you in a timely manner.
If there is an available puppy listed due to timing, pricing that has not been chosen by folks on our list, we still expect to get to know the home of each client.
An Application MUST BE IN PLACE, before we will answer random questions on our Puppies. We seek QUALITY HOMES for our Puppies and if cannot take 2-3 minutes to fill out the Application, prices, sizing or nor details about our puppies or program will be given, when we have no idea if we are speaking with an approved. qualified home. The Chat feature will only be answered with application clients in place. Our Puppy pricing varies, so ranges are too broad according to extremeness of face, sex, size, and breed to quote prices, unless a puppy is listed as available and you're inquiring on that specific puppy. Higher end pricing puppies are all that qualify for flights, as many more layers of expense and time around flights. Our airport is small, so you would have to fly in to get your puppy yourself, which many of our clients do, as stand by Nannies have never been able to get in with limited flights, a ticket must be purchased by you, and we use American Airlines ONLY.
We do have an amazing flight Nannie that will purchase a ticket plus the courier fee.
We are located on east coast (mid) & have many drive clients from these states as far North as Mass, NY, CT, RI, NJ, MD, OH, WV, or South to include VA,TN, NC, SC, KY, GA, IN.
Flights will be required if more than an 9-hour drive for the puppy and only offered on the higher end puppies.
Below is a Map with states in the circle, that clients are able to drive to pick up their puppies.
Photoshoots /videos are done at very planned times around what is best for the puppies and new Mommy's. Removing Puppies from the Mom's stress the Mothers out tremulously and are stressful to the puppies as well, so are not done around weaning, vaccines, or other stresses. We work very hard to put Mom's well-being first with a peaceful calm environment, much love and attention, with specific food high in calcium for Mom's and Puppies to thrive.
We normally do photo's as a litter when newborns as group photo, then again at time for choices, and then occasionally with the bath when picking up the baby if more than 3 weeks or so , to warrant updates. We have a grooming schedule, and we cannot neglect our adults with overtaking photos of puppies when they are done around the puppy grooming and stress free times for Our Mommy's and puppies. So please do not ask for pictures outside the planned photoshoots when puppies have changed enough to warrant the stress to them of photoshoots.
Thank you so much for considering A Little Rascal Exotic Puppy!
Puppy Application
Disclaimer- We may cancel a sell at any time if we do not feel comfortable with moving forward. We do not place with breeders or brokers and if you have misrepresented yourself in any way, or if any misunderstandings would occur on our policies, each are there for a reason. Legal action can be taken, on any one misrepresenting themselves.. We do not place our puppies with homes who have small children or work long hours. You will be forfeiting your deposit if you do not disclose a truthful living environment for the puppy. Deposits are non refundable. If for any reason funds are sent back, we may deduct for our time, mailing /exchange fees where applicable.
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